You’ll always have a seat at our table. See how to get plugged into the life of Koinonia–Sundays and beyond.

Getting Connected at Koinonia

Connect Groups

It’s difficult to form deep relationships built on Sunday mornings alone. Connect Groups create the opportunity to grow together. We seek to deeply know and love one another while challenging one another to become more like Christ.

When you sign up, you’ll be placed in a Connect Group near your residence. Each Connect Group has a unique culture, meeting rhythm, and structure. Groups may choose to walk through Bible studies, book studies, topic-specific curriculum, or simply to share a meal and pray together.

Structure: Completely flexible! These groups are roughly 8 to 16 people who gather as regularly as the group decides is best for them. You can engage in more of a bible study-like structure, book study, or keep it as fellowship time. We have a Virtual Connect Group option for our online community or those who feel more comfortable with a Zoom option. Our other groups are in-person and may meet in parks, restaurants, or backyards/living rooms of those willing to host.

Facilitators: Connect Groups are run by congregants who are called Facilitators. Facilitators are responsible for communicating with the group each week about time and place to meet, as well as helping to lead any discussion if the group wants to do that. The commitment capacity will be based on the group’s structure. For those interested in facilitating, please sign up using the link below.

Hosts: Connect Group hosts are simply people within the group willing to have the group meet in their home. If you are willing to host, you can communicate with your group how often and in what capacity you are able to host.

Volunteer Opportunities

A great way to get involved in the life of Koinonia is to volunteer. Serving alongside others creates a special bond and allows you to utilize the gifts that God has given you. There are several opportunities for you to choose from where you can use your specific gifts to serve. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up using the button below!

Worship & Production Team

Our Worship & Production Team play an integral part to our Sunday services. Please use the forms below to express your interest in serving on one of these teams. If you have any questions, please contact our Worship Director, Brian Seay at

W.E.L.L. Wednesdays

Following Jesus changes how we live. At W.E.L.L. Wednesday, we wrestle through the practical applications of discipleship through short lecture-style teachings and small group discussions led by members of our community who teach and share.

Past topics have included living in light of grace, practices of spiritual formation, navigating conflict (especially at Church), and engaging in apologetics with gracious humility. 

Time: 6:45-8:15 pm
What: We discuss different topics led by various facilitators. This is a great way to connect with congregants in a deeper way, so we hope you will join us!

Registration is not needed for attendance.

Prayer/Care Needs

Please let us if you have any prayer requests or care needs. Your prayer requests will only be shared with our Prayer Team unless you specify for us to share with our members through the Family Matters email.

Also, you have the opportunity to join us on our Prayer Line every Monday-Friday morning at 6am. Call (978) 990-5000 and dial code 603527.

We love you and are here for you!

Koinonia 101 and 201

Every quarter, we host an event called Koinonia 101 & 201. This is an opportunity to take a deeper look at our mission, values, and core beliefs. Please attend if you are interested in learning about our membership process and baptism. Membership is not required once you complete the orientation, but for those wishing to become members, participation is a prerequisite.

We encourage you to visit our YouTube channel to view our 8 Interest Meetings which can be found here, especially if you plan to join.


Where: 1803 County Hospital Road Nashville, TN 37218